This picture is going around on Facebook, but I think it's funny and awfully accurate:

And I also have to correct myself: At one point and time, the little search box at the top of Blogger blogs searched ALL blogger blogs and not just the current blog. Well, guess I haven't attempted to use that search box in awhile because I have no idea when it changed, but apparently it now only searches the blog you are on. So for all of you that I told to get a search box when you already had the one up top - I'M SORRY! I have been set straight now :)
Finally, I have been given two blog awards this week! Stay tuned next week where I will do my part of the blog award requirements, but for now I just wanted to thank
Savannah Rose for the Versatile Blogger award and
Jamie Ayers for the Kreativ Blogger award. Wow! I'm truly honored by the support and kind words. I really appreciate the award!
So now that I've made you laugh, shared my humiliation and thanked two very lovely bloggers, what are you doing with your Friday? Do you have a Just for Fun to share?
It missed blogging 'this is how I pee' :-)
I had no idea they switched the top search box. I never used it because it never searched only the blog I was on! That said I'm not terribly impressed with the blogger search that is put in the side bar. It is only a basic search- unless they have changed that too.
The Linked In one made me laugh! Congratulations on the awards.
Some of those FB photos really hit home. I didn't know about that search button either. I tried to search my blog for an item, using my search box and wasn't impressed. I'm using more tags on current posts, so I hope that helps. Today, I'm catching up during naptime. Also curious, how did the bottle weaning you mentioned recently go (so says a parent, who may just be dealing with a similar situation).
That's too funny. I love that "social media explained" thing and may have to show some people that haven't seen it yet.
Funny! Congrats too.
It's very much deserved! As for my Friday Fun . . . finally getting around to watching The Help:)
So funny!! I'll have to show that to my husband who doesn't know or understand anything about social media!
Thank you for explaining social media in a language we can all understand :)
Congrats on the awards:) The social media language had me cracking up...
Oh wow! I didn't even know it would/used to search ALL the blogs. Wowza. Congrats on your TWO blog awards, girl!! :o)
That. Is. Awesome.
I don't mind the search box on the side bar. But the one on top is not that great.
Spanks! I love the linked in one too :)
Yeah, I like the sidebar search better. Tags really are a good idea.
Um, the weaning isn't a complete success. We actually are just trying to cut back. And that's been successful. We sort of have a unique situation, though. Emmalyn is autistic and has food and other sensory issues so we have prolonged weaning longer than we probably would have normally. Good luck when you go through it!
Isn't it funny? Share away!
I need to see that! And thanks again for the award!
Ha ha, yes. Though I find it's funnier for those who understand social media.
Ha ha, I know! It could be a children's book....
Glad you enjoyed!
Yeah, it was a pain. And it's still not that great of a search tool. But it is something.
Thanks for the congrats!
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