If people stalk you, your posts do become more popular. So if you want to be popular, get yourself stalked.
Ok, ok, that sounds like a great sentiment, but how do you do that, you ask. Here's a few ideas:
- Pull people to FB through your other social media. For example, let's say I have a picture I want you all to look at of me signing my book contract (and believe me, if I had a book contract I would have a picture). Maybe I post one on my blog and then, because I don't want to clutter my blog and I want you to visit my FB page, I say, "Come see more of my pics here" and then link to more photos on FB.I'm inviting people to stalk me. And lots of times, they will.
- Post status updates that have a past. Nothing draws me into someone's FB profile than a status like, "Remember when I told you that cool thing might happen? Well it happened!" Yes, it's annoying, but it makes me wanna know more. Suddenly I'm spending all day looking through someone's FB profile for the cool thing. Ok, that example is mean and lame, but I'm trying to illustrate a point. If you can find a way to connect your FB statuses in an unannoying way, then totally go for it. Like tell a story over several statuses. People who missed parts of it will go to your profile and go back. Automatic stalking.
- Get other people to do the work for you. Creating ways to draw other people to post to your FB page can also draw other people to read. Hold a contest, for example, asking people to post pictures to your page of their favorite book covers. Or ask people to write tag lines for your book. You are correct - that isn't stalking, but other people will come to read them. Especially if you ask for something that might draw witty or humorous posts. And that's stalking.
And there are so many other ways to draw people to stalk your FB page. Do you have some you'd like to share? Do you have any examples of authors who have drawn people to stalk? What makes you stalk?
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